Not to worry, Donner is not lost. Before each trip, I make a list of all the things that might go wrong on the trip and either prepare for them or understand the risks and prepare to accept them. Most of the gear I take on the trips is for contingencies. Unfortunately, many unwelcome things have happened on my trips; fortunately, I cannot think of one instance where I was not prepared, even the four unexpected layovers lasting two months in 2016..
One of the steps I take
to reduce the risks on the trips is to prepare a set of Rules of the
Road. These rules have served me well, although I will admit that I do
not follow some of them religiously. There are a half dozen or so concerning Donner. But when I deviate from them, I know that
I am doing that, and am extra cautious, which helps keep me problem free.
After my own safety, my
dogs' safety is at the top of the list of my concerns, although some would say
it is first. In addition to extra gear and supplies I take for that purpose, many of
the rules I have deal with my dogs' safety. And one of the very
contingencies I prepare for is, What happens if Donner gets lost?
While I do many things to prevent this -and have been 100 percent
successful so far over eight trips, more than 300 days and 110,000 miles-
in the event it happens I have taken at least four precautions in advance.
The first precaution is take is not never let him off the leash except in highly controlled situations, and have cage the side and back rear windows in the Defender.
The second precaution I take is to put a dog-tracking radio collar on
Donner when I let him roam free, or think he may break free.
The third precaution I take is to set up in advance a blog
site, which I have put on his dog tags with other contact information.
The final precaution I take is to create a stack of
Lost Dog Posters (shown in next older post or click here) so
I don't have to second precious time looking for some place to get them made up.
My hope is that with
these preparations and precautions, Donner will never get lost, but if he does,
he is found quickly.
If he does ever get lost, this posting will be replaced by another one (two older postings down) with my contact information, information about him in general, and information on what I know about his whereabouts.